Get your spot

Are you ready to meet more eligible people IRL?

We hear all the time that daters are sick of the apps and just want to meet someone in person. But going to the right places and actually talking to potentially dateable people isn't so easy, right? That's why we created this self-paced masterclass filled with all the tips we've learned in the last 8 years of doing Dateable + a personalized framework just for you. So are you ready?

I'm so in!

In one hour after you take this masterclass, you can be going out and meeting people IRL in a way that feels natural and more strategic

With summer right around the corner, it’s such a perfect time to get out there and meet people. But we also know how challenging it is to meet people in real life. How did people do this before cell phones and dating apps?? Well, we want to demystify that for you and remove any anxiety around meeting people in the wild. 

By taking this masterclass, we'll help you bring more structure & intentionality to meeting people in the wild. 

Instead of burning yourself out and wasting your time going to places where you never meet anyone who you could remotely date (or even worse, not talk to a single person!), we'll help you streamline the whole experience and give you the confidence to approach + be approached when you go out. 

We're mission to make dating work for you. We know from this taking this masterclass, you'll: 

- Identify the perfect places to meet your match.

- Feel empowered and more confident when you're out and about

- Become more efficient in how you spend your time trying to meet people

- Chat with people with more ease and confidence and turn strangers into connections.

- Learn how to create an approachable energy that make you a magnet for great conversations

 So are you finally ready to start meeting more people IRL? 

Let's do this!

Meet your Guides: Yue & Julie

We've been here ourselves in the trenches of modern dating. 8 years later, we've gone from active daters to dating insiders, here to give you all the knowledge and information we've acquired along the way from talking to thousands of daters and world-renowned experts. We'll help you make modern dating work for YOU! Because we believe everyone is dateable and can create the love life they've always wanted.


What to expect:

Part 1: Tips to meet people. We'll share everything we've learned and all our top  from helping daters over the last 8 years

Part 2: Finding the Right Locations for You. We'll give you a framework and exercise to find the best spots for YOU where you can meet appropriate, dateable people in environments that play to your strengths and energize you. This will help you be more strategic and use your time effectively.

Part 3: Approaching & Being Approachable. We'll arm you with natural and non-scary techniques to approach someone of interest and to also be more approachable. You'll also get our BONUS convo starter cheat sheet ($29 value)

Part 4: Putting it all into Practice. We'll leave you with one final exercise to reflect on past patterns and put all your new learnings into practice. 

Part 5: Inspiration and an anthem to remember. To wrap up, we'll give you some tools to help you feel more motivated and confident when you're out and about that you can refer back to whenever you need them.

In one hour, you'll be able to approach going out IRL with more confidence & ease. 

$69 $59 with the code DATEABLE

Registration closes in









Get started now!

"After years of dating, I finally met my girlfriend in a grocery store of all places! I truly could not have gotten this far without Julie & Yue’s help. They gave me the confidence to approach more people IRL and helped me learn how to build connection and rapport  in these interactions. I’d probably be lost without you all but now I’m in a happy relationship!" - Shaq


How long will it take?

We estimate about 1 hour. There's ~40 minutes of audio guides along with exercises so we estimate this taking 1 hour of your time. You can do it in one day, or break it out in 15-min increments or by section – the choice is yours! 

Who is this program for?

This masterclass is for anyone looking to meet people IRL! It's geared to all genders, all sexual orientations, ages, etc. Maybe you're new to dating or have been dating for years – it doesn't matter! So much of it is personalized for you, so it's designed for daters of all backgrounds.

Will I meet someone from taking this masterclass?

We certainly hope so but of course we can't control that 100% as there's a lot of factors of when and how you meet your person. That being said, we are confident you'll leave better armed with the tools to approach + be approached in environments that work for you.


What if I don't finish or need to go back to some of the content?

All good! This content is yours! There is no time you need to complete this by. It's all self-paced and you can relisten to any section as often as you need. You'll get a login to our platform and you can sign in any time. 

Ok, I'm sold. Let's do this.

About Your Guides:

Julie Krafchick & Yue Xu

Hosts of Dateable
We are Yue and Julie from the Dateable Podcast. Through our podcast and the community we’ve built, we’ve witnessed first hand - and experienced for ourselves - what it takes to shift from date-after-date-after-date to finding that partner who feels like home. After talking to thousands of daters, we've cracked the code and can't wait to share it with you!
Get started now